Quality Investing is Responsible Investing

As long-term investors, we strive to identify and invest in companies that are well-governed and prepared to navigate the environmental and social factors that will impact their businesses over time.

We consider Environmental, Social, & Corporate Governance (ESG) criteria alongside traditional financial metrics in our investment decision making. We believe integrating ESG into our investment process helps us enhance returns, mitigate risk, and build strategies that best meet our clients’ needs.


A message from our Chairman, Joseph McLaughlin, Jr.


A message from our Chairman, Joseph McLaughlin, Jr.

Disciplined Approach

Refined over four decades, our Quality Investing approach is committed to maximizing returns while minimizing risk throughout the entire market cycle. In addition to identifying quality companies with strong fundamentals, we perform material risk analysis that includes environmental, social and governance factors.

Research Integration

We dedicate resources to ensure ESG analysis is integrated into each investment decision, empowering us to capture growth opportunities, mitigate risks, and make investments that will stand the test of time.

Company Engagement

Haverford tracks corporate policies, goals, and performance to monitor improvements on ESG factors. If material ESG risks or opportunities are not being adequately addressed by a company, we engage with the management team on the issue.

Proxy Voting

Haverford’s priority is to vote proxies with consideration of non-financial risks and all stakeholders in a manner consistent with our fiduciary duty. To that end, we review independent voting recommendations, company filings, and other research reports to inform our voting decisions.

Three overlapping circles: Risk management, Fundamentals and Quality.

Principles for Responsible Investment

The Haverford Trust Company is a committed signatory of the U.N. Principles for Responsible Investment:

  • We incorporate ESG issues into our investment processes.

  • We engage the companies we invest in on ESG issues.

  • We report on our progress & findings.

The Principles were developed by an international group of institutional investors who believe that an economically efficient, sustainable global financial system is a necessity for long-term value creation—and that such a system will reward long-term, responsible investment and benefit the environment and society as a whole.

Haverford Signatory of PRI - Principles for responsible investment.

Click for our most recent Corporate Stewardship review on Haverford’s portfolio holdings.

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