What is Quality Investing?

quality (/ˈkwɑː.lə.t̬i/) – of a high standard; excellent; differentiating characteristic

What began as investment criteria has evolved into a time-tested formula for long-term growth and success. It is our signature business approach to portfolios, process, and people. It empowers us to build long-term financial futures in more predictable, consistent ways and elevates every part of our business to the absolute highest standards.

Central tenets

Haverford Quality Investing® was developed to help achieve three goals:

Our quality approach

We believe:

  • A systematic tilt toward Quality factors is the best way to maximize long-term portfolio value.
  • Equity exposure is the primary driver of portfolio growth and should be maximized given investor risk tolerance and spending needs.
  • An allocation to fixed income offsets the higher volatility of an equity portfolio, and provides diversification, stability, liquidity, and income.
  • We maintain a long-term investment horizon and aim to be fully invested rather than timing the market.
  • Short-term speculative approaches should be avoided in place of prudent, well-researched investments with the goal of creating sustainable growth and downside protection.

These activities distinguish our people, define our process, and support our investment principles.

Investment principles

Quality & Dividends

Quality is our foundation. Dividends balance income needs and long-term growth. Together, they dampen volatility, support investment goals, and increase the odds of staying invested during challenging environments.

Downside Protection

Risk mitigation at every step of the process supports downside protection and allows clients to navigate the market with a greater sense of security.


Focus on predictability to manage risk, reduce stress, and aid long-term planning. This helps to ensure that our clients can make informed decisions with confidence.


Straightforward portfolio structure and process enable clients to have a clear understanding of their portfolio investment strategies and progress towards their goals.


A rigorous and systematic approach to investment management promotes consistency in an effort to create better client outcomes.


Tailored solutions aligned with client circumstances and goals optimize investment outcomes and aid stronger partnerships with our clients.

ESG and impact investing

Quality Investing is responsible investing. As long-term investors, we strive to identify and invest in companies that are well-governed and prepared to navigate the environmental and social factors that will impact their businesses over time. We consider Environmental, Social, & Corporate Governance (ESG) criteria alongside traditional financial metrics in our investment decision making. We believe integrating ESG into our investment process helps us enhance returns, mitigate risk, and build strategies that best meet your needs.

When called upon, our deep resources and commitment to responsible investing allow us to develop portfolios that align with our clients’ specific values. Prior to purchase we will analyze existing holdings and re-evaluate them annually. To accomplish this, we utilize either alignment or exclusionary screens to identify revenue from sources of your choosing, including for example religious values, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, gambling, fossil fuels, and for-profit prisons.