On November 15, 2022, the Haverford Educational Series for Nonprofits hosted a panel of esteemed nonprofit leaders moderated by Dr. Ivy Buchan, President and Founder of Helix Strategies, LLC. The panel featured Roy Leitstein, CEO of Legacy Treatment Services, Jean Sachs, MSS, MLSP, CEO of Living Beyond Breast Cancer, and Ryan Manion, President of Travis Manion Foundation. The panelists shared their insights, lessons learned, and personal case studies on their journeys toward sustainability.

Click on the segments below to see highlights from the event.

What does sustainability mean to you and your organization?

What does sustainability mean to you and your organization?

What type of model do you utilize for planning?

What is one of the keys to long-term sustainability?

How are you able to maintain culture during growth years and through economic downturns?

How do you weigh opportunity with risk?