What are the portfolio allocation mistakes investors typically make?

Asset allocation—a portfolio’s mix of stocks, bonds, cash, real estate and other asset classes—is the cornerstone upon which many investment decisions are made. Each investor’s approach to asset allocation is extremely important and individual. Not only does a portfolio’s allocation meaningfully impact risk and returns, but an appropriate allocation can greatly increase the odds Read More →

2021-10-28T14:10:49-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

Should investors use equities in lieu of bonds to meet their income needs?

The case for investing in equities to meet income needs is compelling, particularly in light of today’s higher inflationary expectations. Higher levels of inflation are typically negative for fixed income returns, while equities can provide an inflation hedge, as a company’s revenues and earnings can be expected to rise in tandem with prices. In Read More →

2021-10-28T14:05:44-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

What can investors control?

Geopolitical risks abound: China/Hong Kong, China/Taiwan, Saudi Arabia/Iran, Iran’s nuclear capability etc. Layered on to these risks is the unprecedented challenge Central Banks face to successfully navigate a post-pandemic world. What should investors do? While these headlines are virtually impossible to ignore, investors nevertheless should focus on the things they can control. They cannot Read More →

2021-10-28T14:11:41-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

How should investors prepare for a black swan event?

A black swan event, according to the theory developed by Nassim Taleb in his 2007 book, The Black Swan, is a seemingly improbable or unforeseeable event with dramatic consequences. Despite the statistically insignificant frequency of such events, their massive impact and resulting shock are too real to ignore. Unfortunately, and equally improbably, we have Read More →

2024-04-09T15:56:56-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

Why is it important to invest in businesses with a durable competitive advantage?

While there are many ways to measure quality, high-quality businesses share one defining characteristic: a durable competitive advantage which generates persistent excess returns over time. The key to this advantage is durability, without which a business’ excess profits will whittle away by the simple economics of competition. There are many businesses that are able Read More →

2021-10-28T14:07:27-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

The Tortoise and the Hare: Why does Quality work for the long-term investors?

Many people claim to be long-term investors and extol the virtues of compound interest and the extraordinary results it can produce given enough time. At the same time, many investors are also keenly focused on the rate at which value is likely to compound over the next few years, while paying less attention to Read More →

2021-10-28T14:05:01-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

I understand it is important to be an educated investor. How do I stay informed?

As a savvy investor, you have probably built a network of trusted advisors. From lawyers to CPAs to financial advisors to estate planners, you and your family count on these professionals for their specific expertise. You trust their judgment and expect them to provide an unbiased recommendation. A true partner reviews your current situation, Read More →

2021-10-28T14:06:34-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

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